Professor Jonne Rodenburg

Visiting Academic

Agriculture, Health and Environment Department

+44 (0)1634 88 3533

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Jonne Rodenburg joined the University of Greenwich in January 2018, after a 13-years tenure at the CGIAR Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice).

Jonne obtained a BSc and MSc-degree from Wageningen University (WU) in 1999. His MSc research project focused on the effects of slash-and-burn agriculture on spatial variation in soil fertility in rubber-rice agroforests in Indonesia, in collaboration with the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF). In 2005 he obtained a PhD-degree from the same university. His PhD research was on defence mechanisms (resistance and tolerance) in sorghum against the parasitic weed Striga hermonthica. Fieldwork for this study was conducted in Mali, at the experimental farm of ICRISAT. Prior to obtaining his PhD-degree, Jonne started as agronomist at AfricaRice. He was first based in Mali (2004-2005) and then moved to Benin (2005-2007), Senegal (2007-2009) and Tanzania (2009-2016). His last home base was in Côte d’Ivoire (2016-2017). At AfricaRice his work focused mainly on weed problems, with a special interest in parasitic weeds (Striga asiatica, S. hermonthica, Rhamphicarpa fistulosa) in rain-fed rice systems. Together with his co-workers and students he identified suitable rice varieties and agronomic management practices for the control of these pests. He also worked on bird - weed interactions, mechanical weed control, Good Agricultural Practices and the System of Rice Intensification in irrigated rice systems and Conservation Agriculture practices in rain-fed uplands. At the Natural Resources Institute he is leader of the Sustainable Agricultural Intensification development programme and deputy leader of the research group Ecosystem Services . He currently studies how improved soil fertility and plant nutrition can enhance host plant resistance and tolerance against parasitic weeds and he works on agroecological innovations for smallholder cropping systems in Africa.

Jonne is also an Associate Editor of the Elsevier journal Field Crops Research, and a subject editor of the Wiley journal Weed Research and the Vice-President of the International Parasitic Plants Society (IPPS).

  • Rodenburg J, Mollee E, Coe R, Sinclair F. 2022. Global analysis of yield benefits and risks from integrating trees with rice and implications for agroforestry research in Africa. Field Crops Research 281, 108504; DOI:
  • Rodenburg J, Tippe DE, Toure A, Irakiza R, Kayeke J, Bastiaans L. 2021. From rice-like plants to plants liking rice: a review of research on weeds and their management in African rice systems. Field Crops Research 276, 108397; DOI:
  • Touré A, Huat J, Rodenburg J., 2021. Identifying farm-type specific entry points for innovations in weed management in smallholder inland-valley rice-based systems in West Africa. International Journal of Pest Management; DOI:
  • Senthilkumar K, Sillo FS, Rodenburg J, Dimkpa C, Saito K, Dieng I, Bindraban PS, 2021. Rice yield and economic response to micronutrient application in Tanzania. Field Crops Research 270, 108201; DOI:1016/j.fcr.2021.108201 
  • Haggar J & Rodenburg J. 2021. Lessons on enabling African smallholder farmers, especially women and youth, to benefit from sustainable agricultural intensification. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability; DOI: 1080/14735903.2021.1898179
  • Irakiza R, Makokha D, Malombe I, Le Bourgeois T, Chitiki AK, Rodenburg J. 2021. Composition of weed communities in seasonally flooded rice environments in East Africa is determined by altitude. South African Journal of BotanyDOI: 1016/j.sajb.2021.04.001
  • Kabiri S, Rodenburg J, van Ast A, Pflug S, Kool H, Bastiaans L. 2021. Impact of the facultative parasitic weed Rhamphicarpa fistulosa(Hochst.) Benth. on photosynthesis of its host Oryza sativaJournal of Plant Physiology 262, 153438;  DOI: 10.1016/j.jplph.2021.153438
  • Mwangangi IM, Büchi L, Haefele SM, Bastiaans L, Runo S, Rodenburg J. 2021. Combining host plant defence with targeted nutrition: key to durable control of hemiparasitic Striga in cereals in sub-Saharan Africa? New PhytologistDOI: 1111/nph.17271
  • Büchi L, Cordeau S, Hull R, Rodenburg J, 2021. Vulpia myuros, an increasing threat for agriculture. Weed ResearchDOI: 1111/wre.12456
  • Haggar J, Nelson V, Lamboll R, Rodenburg J. 2020. Understanding and informing decisions on Sustainable Agricultural Intensification in Sub-Saharan Africa. International Journal of Agricultural SustainabilityDOI: 1080/14735903.2020.1818483
  • Rodenburg J, Büchi L, Haggar J. 2020. Adoption by adaptation: Moving from conservation agriculture to conservation practices. International Journal of Agricultural SustainabilityDOI: 1080/14735903.2020.1785734
  • Tippe DE, Bastiaans L, van Ast A, Dieng I, Cissoko M, Kayeke J, Makokha DW, Rodenburg J. 2020. Fertilisers differentially affect facultative and obligate parasitic weeds of rice and only occasionally improve yields in infested fields. Field Crops Research254, 107845; DOI: 1016/j.fcr.2020.107845
  • Senthilkumar K, Rodenburg J, Dieng I, Vandamme E, Sillo FS, Johnson JM, Rajaona A, Ramarolahy JA, Gasore R, Bayuh BA, Kajiru GJ, Mghase J, Lamo J, Rabeson R, Saito K. 2020. Quantifying rice yield gaps and their causes in Eastern and Southern Africa. Journal of Agronomy and Crop ScienceDOI: 1111/jac.12417
  • Rodenburg J, Randrianjafizanaka MT, Büchi L, Dieng I, Andrianaivo AP, Ravaomanarivo LHR, Autfray P. 2020. Mixed outcomes from conservation practices on soils and Striga-affected yields of a low input, rice-maize system in Madagascar. Agronomy for Sustainable Development40:8; DOI: 1007/s13593-020-0612-0
  • Bindraban PS, Dimkpa CO, White JC, Franklin FA, Melse-Boonstra A, Koele N, Pandey R, Rodenburg J, Senthilkumar K, Demokritou P, Schmidt S., 2019. Safeguarding human and planetary health demands a fertilizer sector transformation. Plants, People, Planet (in press)
  • N’cho S, Mourits, M, Rodenburg J, Oude Lansink A. 2019. Inefficiency of manual weeding in rainfed rice systems affected by parasitic weeds. Agricultural Economics, DOI:1111/agec.12473
  • Rodenburg J, Johnson JM, Dieng I, Senthilkumar K, Vandamme E, Akakpo C, Allarangaye MD, Baggie I, Bakare SO, Bam RK, Bassoro I, Abera BB, Cisse M, Dogbe W, Gbakatchetche H, Jaiteh F, Kajiru GJ, Kalisa A, Kamissoko N, Keita S, Kokou A, Mapiemfu-Lamare D, Lunze FM, Mghase J, Maïga IM, Nanfumba D, Niang A, Rabeson R, Segda Z, Sillo FS, Tanaka A, Saito K, 2019. Status quo of chemical weed control in rice in sub-Saharan Africa. Food Security, DOI: 1007/s12571-018-0878-0
  • Senthilkumar K, Tesha BJ, Mghase, J, Rodenburg J, 2018. Increasing paddy yields and improving farm management: results from participatory experiments with good agricultural practices (GAP) in Tanzania. Paddy Water and Environment, DOI:1007/s10333-018-0666-7
  • Achandi EL, Mujawamariya G, Agboh-Noameshie AR, Gebremariam S, Rahalivavololona N, Rodenburg J. 2018. Women's Access to Agricultural Technologies in Rice Production and Processing Hubs: A Comparative Analysis of Ethiopia, Madagascar and Tanzania. Journal of Rural Studies 60, 188-198. DOI:1016/j.jrurstud.2018.03.011
  • Johnson JM, Rodenburg J, Tanaka A, Senthilkumar K, Kokou A, Dieng I, Klotoe A, Akakpo C, Segda Z, Yameogo LP, Gbakatchetche H, Acheampong GK, Bam RK, Bakare OS, Kalisa A, Gasore ER, Sékou A, Ablede K, Saito K. Farmers' perceptions on mechanical weeders for rice production in sub-Saharan Africa. Experimental Agriculture, 1-15; DOI: 10.1017/S001447971700059X
  • Randrianjafizanaka MT, Autfray P, Andrianaivo AP, Ramonta IR, Rodenburg J. 2018. Combined effects of cover crops, mulch, zero-tillage and resistant varieties on Striga asiatica (L.) Kuntze in rice-maize rotation systems. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 256, 23-33. DOI:1016/j.agee.2017.12.005
  • Kabiri S, Rodenburg J, van Ast A, Bastiaans L. 2017. Slavery in Plants: how the facultative hemi-parasitic plant Rhamphicarpa fistulosa can completely dominate its host. Annals of Applied Biology 171 (3), 353-363. DOI: 1111/aab.12378
  • Tippe D, Rodenburg J, van Ast A, Anten NPR, Dieng I, Kayeke JM, Cissoko M, Bastiaans L. 2017. Delayed or early sowing: timing as parasitic weed control strategy in rice is species and ecosystem dependent. Field Crops Research 214, 14-24. DOI: 1016/j.fcr.2017.08.013
  • Tippe D, Rodenburg J, Schut M, van Ast A, Kayeke J, Bastiaans L. 2017. Farmers’ knowledge use and preferences of parasitic weed management strategies in rain-fed rice production systems. Crop Protection 99, 93-107. DOI:1016/j.cropro.2017.05.007
  • Niang A, Becker M, Ewert F, Dieng I, Gaiser T, Tanaka A, Senthilkumar K, Rodenburg J, Johnson JM, Akakpo C, Segda Z, Gbakatchetche H, Jaiteh F, Bam RK, Dogbe W, Keita S, Kamissoko N, Mossi IM, Bakare OS, Cissé M, Baggie I, Ablede KA, Saito K. 2017. Variability and determinants of yields in rice production systems of West Africa. Field Crops Research 207, 1-12. DOI: 1016/j.fcr.2017.02.014
  • Rodenburg J, Cissoko M, Kayongo N, Dieng I, Bisikwa J, Irakiza R, Masoka I, Midega CAO, Scholes JD. 2017. Genetic variation and host-parasite specificity of Striga resistance and tolerance in rice: the need for predictive breeding. New Phytologist 214, 1267–1280. DOI: 1111/nph.14451
  • Makokha DW, Irakiza R, Malombe I, Le Bourgeois T, Rodenburg J. 2017. Dualistic roles and management of non-cultivated plants in lowland rice systems of East Africa. South African Journal of Botany 108, 321-330. DOI: 1016/j.sajb.2016.08.011
  • Rodenburg J, Demont M, Zwart SJ, Bastiaans L. 2016. Parasitic weed incidence and related economic losses in rice in Africa. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 235, 306-317. DOI: 1016/j.agee.2016.10.020
  • Rodenburg J, Cissoko M, Dieng I, Kayeke J, Bastiaans L. 2016. Rice yields under Rhamphicarpa fistulosa-infested field conditions, and variety selection criteria for resistance and tolerance. Field Crops Research 194, 21-30. DOI: 1016/j.fcr.2016.04.030
  • Rodenburg J, Le Bourgeois T, Grard P, Carara A, Irakiza R, Makokha DW, Kabanyoro R, Dzomeku I, Chiconela T, Malombe I, Sarra S, Ekeleme F, Mariko M, Andrianaivo AP, Marnotte P, 2016. Electronic support tools for identification and management of rice weeds in Africa for better-informed agricultural change agents. Cahiers Agricultures 25, 15006; DOI:1051/cagri/2016004
  • Kabiri S, van Ast A, Rodenburg J, Bastiaans L. 2016. Host influence on germination and reproduction of the facultative hemi-parasitic weed Rhamphicarpa fistulosa. Annals of Applied Biology, 169 (1), 144-154. DOI: 1111/aab.12288
  • Demont M and Rodenburg J. 2016. On the interaction between weed and bird damage in rice. Weed Research 56 (3), 193-197. DOI: 1111/wre.12206
  • Rodenburg J, Saito K, Irakiza R, Makokha DW, Onyuka EA and Senthilkumar K. 2015. Labor-saving weed technologies for lowland rice farmers in sub-Saharan Africa. Weed Technology, 29 (4), 751-757. DOI: 1614/wt-d-15-00016.1 
  • Rodenburg J, Schut M, Demont M, Klerkx L, Gbehounou G, Oude Lansink A, Mourits M, Rotteveel T, Kayeke J, Ast A, Akanvou L, Cissoko M, Kamanda J, Bastiaans L, 2015. Systems approaches to innovation in pest management; reflections and lessons learned from an integrated research program on parasitic weeds in rice. International Journal of Pest Management, 61 (4), 329-339. DOI: 1080/09670874.2015.1066042 
  • Schut, M., Rodenburg, J., Klerkx, L., Hinnou, L.C., Kayeke, J., Bastiaans, L., 2015. Participatory appraisal of institutional and political constraints and opportunities for innovation to address parasitic weeds in rice. Crop Protection 74, 158-170. DOI: 1016/j.cropro.2015.04.011 
  • Rodenburg J, Cissoko M, Kayeke J, Dieng I, Khan ZR, Midega CAO, Onyuka EA, Scholes JD. 2015. Do NERICA rice cultivars express resistance to Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth. and Striga asiatica (L.) Kuntze under field conditions? Field Crops Research 170, 83-94. DOI: 1016/j.fcr.2014.10.010
  • Rodenburg J, Morawetz JJ, Bastiaans L. 2015. Rhamphicarpa fistulosa (Hochst.) Benth. – A widespread facultative hemi-parasitic weed, threatening rice production in Africa. Weed Research 55, 118-131. DOI: 1111/wre.12129 
  • Kabiri S, Rodenburg J, Kayeke J, Ast A van, Makokha DW, Msangi SH, Irakiza R, Bastiaans L. 2015. Can the parasitic weeds Striga asiatica and Rhamphicarpa fistulosa co-occur in rain-fed rice? Weed Research 55, 145-154. DOI: 1111/wre.12124
  • Schut, M, Klerkx L, Rodenburg J, Kayeke J, Hinnou LC, Raboanarielina C, Adegbola, PY, van Ast, A, Bastiaans, L. 2015. RAAIS: Rapid Appraisal of Agricultural Innovation Systems (Part I). A diagnostic tool for integrated analysis of complex problems and innovation capacity. Agricultural Systems 132, 1-11. DOI: 1016/j.agsy.2014.08.009
  • Schut, M, Rodenburg J, Klerkx L, Kayeke J, van Ast A, Bastiaans L. 2015. RAAIS: Rapid Appraisal of Agricultural Innovation Systems (Part II). Integrated analysis of parasitic weed problems in rice in Tanzania. Agricultural Systems 132, 12-24. DOI: 1016/j.agsy.2014.09.004 
  • Rodenburg J, Demont M, Sow A, Dieng I. 2014. Bird weed and interaction effects on yield of irrigated lowland rice. Crop Protection 66, 46-52. DOI: 1016/j.cropro.2014.08.015
  • Nhamo N, Rodenburg J, Zenna N, Makombe G, Luzi-Kihupi A. 2014. Narrowing the rice yield gap in East and Southern Africa: using and adapting existing technologies. Agricultural Systems 131, 45-55. DOI: 1016/j.agsy.2014.08.003 
  • N’cho S, Mourits, M, Rodenburg J, Demont M, Oude Lansink A. 2014. Determinants of parasitic weed infestation in rainfed lowland rice in Benin. Agricultural Systems 130, 105-115. DOI: 1016/j.agsy.2014.07.003
  • Ogwuike P, Rodenburg J, Diagne A, Agboh-Noameshie R, Amovin-Assagba E. 2014. Weed management in upland rice in sub-Saharan Africa: impact on labor and crop productivity. Food Security 6, 327-337. DOI: 1007/s12571-014-0351-7
  • Touré A, Rodenburg J, Marnotte P, Dieng I, Huat J. 2014. Identifying the problem weeds of rice-based systems along the inland-valley catena in the southern Guinea Savanna, Africa. Weed Biology and Management 14, 121-132. DOI: 1111/wbm.12040
  • Schut M, Rodenburg J, Klerkx L, van Ast A, Bastiaans L. 2014. Systems approaches to innovation in crop protection. A systematic literature review. Crop Protection 56, 98-108. DOI: 1016/j.cropro.2013.11.017
  • Rodenburg J, Zwart SJ, Kiepe P, Narteh LT, Dogbe W, Wopereis MCS. 2014. Sustainable rice production in African inland valleys: seizing regional potentials through local approaches. Agricultural Systems 123, 1-11. DOI: 1016/j.agsy.2013.09.004 
  • Djagba JF, Rodenburg J, Zwart SJ, Houndagba CJ, Kiepe P. 2014. Failure and success factors of irrigation system developments – a case study from the Ouémé and Zou valleys in Benin. Irrigation and Drainage 63, 328-339. DOI: 1002/ird.1794 
  • Krupnik, TJ, Rodenburg, J, Haden, VR, Mbaye, D, Shennan, C, 2012. Genotypic trade-offs between water productivity and weed competition under the System of Rice Intensification in the Sahel. Agricultural Water Management 115, 156-166. DOI: 1016/j.agwat.2012.08.016
  • Krupnik TJ, Shennan C, Settle WH, Demont M, Ndiaye AB, Rodenburg J, 2012. Improving irrigated rice production in the Senegal River Valley through on-farm experiential learning and innovation. Agricultural Systems 109, 101-112. DOI: 1016/j.agsy.2012.01.008
  • Rodenburg J, Both J, Heitkönig IMA, van Koppen CSA, Sinsin B, Van Mele P, Kiepe P, 2012. Land-use and biodiversity in unprotected landscapes: The case of noncultivated plant use and management by rural communities in Benin and Togo. Society and Natural Resources 25 (12), 1221-1240. DOI: 1080/08941920.2012.674628
  • Krupnik TJ, Shennan C, Rodenburg J, 2012. Yield, water productivity and nutrient balances under the System of Rice Intensification and Recommended Management Practices in the Sahel. Field Crops Research 130, 155-167. DOI: 1016/j.fcr.2012.02.003
  • Cissoko M, Boisnard A, Rodenburg J, Press MC, Scholes JD. 2011. New Rice for Africa (NERICA) cultivars exhibit different levels of post-attachment resistance against the parasitic weeds Striga hermonthica and Striga asiatica. New Phytologist 192, 952-963. DOI: 1111/j.1469-8137.2011.03846.x
  • Jamil M, Rodenburg J, Charnikhova T, Bouwmeester HJ. 2011. Pre-attachment Striga hermonthica resistance of NERICA cultivars based on low strigolactone production. New Phytologist 192, 964-975. DOI: 1111/j.1469-8137.2011.03850.x 
  • Rodenburg J, Bastiaans L, 2011. Host-plant defence against Striga spp.: reconsidering the role of tolerance. Weed Research, 51 (5), 438-441. DOI: 1111/j.1365-3180.2011.00871.x 
  • Rodenburg J, Zossou N, Gbehounou G, Ahanchede A, Touré A., Kyalo G, Kiepe P, 2011. Rhamphicarpa fistulosa, a parasitic weed threatening rain-fed lowland rice production in sub-Saharan Africa - A case study from Benin. Crop Protection 30, 1306-1314. DOI: 1016/j.cropro.2011.06.007 
  • Toure A, Rodenburg J, Saito K, Oikeh S, Futakuchi K, Gumedzoe D, Huat J. 2011. Cultivar and weeding effects on weeds and rice yields in a degraded upland environment of the coastal savanna. Weed Technology 25, 322-329. DOI: 1614/wt-d-10-00172.1
  • Rodenburg J, Meinke H, Johnson, DE, 2011. Challenges for weed management in African rice systems in a changing climate. The Journal of Agricultural Science 149, 427–435. DOI: 1017/s0021859611000207 
  • Saito K, Azoma K, Rodenburg J, 2010. Plant characteristics associated with weed competitiveness of rice under upland and lowland conditions in West Africa. Field Crops Research 116, 308-317. DOI: 1016/j.cropro.2009.10.015
  • Rodenburg J, Riches CR, Kayeke JM, 2010. Addressing current and future problems of parasitic weeds in rice. Crop Protection 29, 210-221
  • de Vries ME, Rodenburg J, Bado BV, Sow A, Leffelaar PA, Giller KE, 2010. Rice production with less irrigation water is possible in a Sahelian environment. Field Crops Research 116 (1-2), 154-164. DOI: 1016/j.fcr.2009.12.006
  • Rodenburg J, Saito K, Glele Kakaï R, Touré A, Mariko M, Kiepe P, 2009. Weed competitiveness of the lowland rice varieties of NERICA in the southern Guinea Savanna. Field Crops Research 114, 411-418. DOI: 1016/j.fcr.2009.09.014
  • Rodenburg J, Johnson DE, 2009. Weed management in rice-based cropping systems in Africa. Advances in Agronomy 103, 149-218. DOI: 1016/s0065-2113(09)03004-1
  • Demont M, Rodenburg J, Diagne M, Diallo, S, 2009. Ex-ante impact assessment of herbicide resistant rice in the Sahel. Crop Protection 28, 728-73. DOI: 1016/j.cropro.2009.05.012
  • Wopereis MCS, Diagne A, Rodenburg J, Sié M, Somado EA, 2008. Why NERICA is a successful innovation for African farmers: a response to Orr et al. from the Africa Rice Center. Outlook on Agriculture, 37, 169-176. DOI:5367/000000008785915502.
  • Rodenburg J, Bastiaans L, Schapendonk AHCM, Putten PEL van der, Ast A van, Dingemanse NJ, Haussmann BIG, 2008. CO2-assimilation and chlorophyll fluorescence as indirect selection criteria for host tolerance against Striga. Euphytica 160, 75-87. DOI: 1007/s10681-007-9555-7 
  • Rodenburg J, Bastiaans L, Kropff MJ, 2006. Characterization of host tolerance to Striga hermonthica. Euphytica 147, 353-365. DOI: 1007/s10681-005-9030-2
  • Rodenburg J, Bastiaans L, Kropff MJ, Ast A van, 2006. Effects of host plant genotype and seed bank density on Striga reproduction. Weed Research 46, 251-263. DOI: 1111/j.1365-3180.2006.00506.x
  • Rodenburg J, Bastiaans L, Weltzien E, Hess DE, 2005. How can field selection for Striga resistance and tolerance in sorghum be improved? Field Crops Research 93, 34-50. DOI: 1016/j.fcr.2004.09.004
  • Rodenburg J, Stein A, Van Noordwijk M, Ketterings QM, 2003. Spatial variability of soil pH and phosphorus in relation to soil run-off following slash-and-burn land clearing in Sumatra, Indonesia. Soil & Tillage Research 71, 1-14. DOI: Pii s0167-1987(02)00141-1 10.1016/s0167-1987(02)00141-1 

Jonne Rodenburg’s main focus is on understanding the ecology and biology of the parasitic weeds Striga (S. asiatica and S. hermonthica) and Rhamphicarpa fistulosa in rain-fed cropping systems and to use these insights to develop sustainable management practices that are feasible for smallholder farmers.

Jonne is also keen on elucidating the principles and mechanisms behind effective control strategies. His work focusses on the relation between soil fertility and parasitic weeds. Striga and low soil fertility are frequently mentioned as associated crop production constraints in Africa. Despite numerous studies, the universality and causality of this association lacks conclusive evidence and the translation into reliably effective and feasible control practices for smallholder farmers has so far attained little tangible success. Jonne is keen on deepening the understanding and practical implications of this relation. Currently he studies the role of nutrients in Striga resistance and tolerance in sorghum and whether smart plant nutrition solutions (e.g., improved compositions, better targeted delivery) can enhance these defence mechanisms. In addition, he investigates the effects of fertilisers, including their composition and application methods, on Rhamphicarpa-rice interactions. 

A second key interest of Jonne concerns the sustainable intensification and diversification strategies for smallholder farmers in Africa. He is keen on understanding how crop production in these farming systems can be optimized by improved planning in space and time as well as in terms of the choices in crop species, crop management technologies and combinations thereof. Indicators for such optimization would not be restricted to crop performance in terms of productivity alone, but also include resource-use efficiency, pest (including weeds) and disease management, and natural resources/ecosystem services provided by the agroecosystem.  

Royal Society: International Collaboration Award “Striga Smart Sorghum Solutions for Smallholders in East Africa”. Collaborator: Dr Steven Runo, Kenyatta University. Budget: £222K (Dec. 2019-Dec. 2022). PI.

IFAD: Research-grant projectCapitalizing the inland valley potential for food and nutrition security for smallholder farmers in West Africa”. Collaborators: Africa Rice Center, Wageningen University, CNRA (Côte d’Ivoire) and CSIR-SRI (Ghana). Budget: $2M (2017-2021). PI.

DFID-BBSRC-BMGF: SCPRID-grant project “Genomic approaches to understanding resistance and virulence in the cereal-Striga interaction for targeted breeding of durable defence” (BB/J011703/1). Collaborators: University of Sheffield, Africa Rice Center, CIAT, Makerere University, Kenyatta University. Budget: £1.3 M (2012-2016). Co-PI.

NWO-WOTRO: Integrated Programme-grant: “Preparing African Rice Farmers Against Parasitic Weeds in a Changing Environment”. Collaborators: Africa Rice Center, Wageningen University, CNRA (Côte d’Ivoire), INRAB (Benin), MARI (Tanzania). Budget: €700,000 (2011-2016). PI.

Royal Society: Research-grant project “Identifying host resistance and parasite virulence in rice - Striga associations”. Collaborators: University of Sheffield, Africa Rice Center. Budget £12,000 (2011-2012). Co-PI.

DFID-BBSRC: SARID-grant project “Unraveling the molecular genetic basis of Striga resistance in cereals: integrating QTL and genomic approaches” (BB/F004303/1). Collaborators: University of Sheffield, Africa Rice Center, NIAB, ICRISAT. Budget: £546,741 2008-2012. Co-PI.

  • Susan Ojochide Simon (Nigeria). Centre for Dryland Agriculture, Bayero University, Nigeria/NRI, University of Greenwich, UK.
  • Olankunle Opeyemi Sansa (Nigeria). Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta (FUNAAB), Nigeria/NRI University of Greenwich, UK.
  • Cyprian Mwale (Malawi). Centre for Crop Systems Analysis, Plant Sciences Department, Wageningen University, The Netherlands.
  • Rachel Chase (USA). Agriculture Health and Environment Dept., Faculty of Engineering and Science, University of Greenwich, United Kingdom.
  • Immaculate Mueni Mwangangi (Kenya). Agriculture Health and Environment Dept., Faculty of Engineering and Science, University of Greenwich, UK. Time Frame: 2020-2024.
  • Guy Marius Assogba (Benin). Integrated rice and natural resources management in African wetlands. Plant Production Systems, Plant Sciences Department, Wageningen University, The Netherlands. Time Frame: 2017-2021.

  • Professor of Agronomy
  • Module Leader Agronomy & Crop Physiology
  • Deputy Research Group Leader Ecosystem Services
  • Development-Programme Leader - Sustainable Agricultural Intensification

  • Committee member of five PhD defences:
    • Odinkemneme Ukwoma-Eke, University of Reading, UK (14 Jan. 2022)
    • Ahmad Hamza, University of Greenwich, UK (3 Feb. 2021)
    • Olivia Pointurier, Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté/INRA, France (13 Dec. 2019)
    • Mahdere Z. Shimels, Wageningen University, the Netherlands (14 Oct. 2019)
    • Tossimidé Houngbédji, Université Paris-Sud, France (18 Nov. 2016)
  • Member of European Weed Research Society (EWRS)
  • Member of International Parasitic Plants Society (IPPS
  • Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation project “Promoting Root Microbes for Integrated Striga Eradication” (PROMISE), coordinated by NIOO-KNAW, Wageningen (Start date: October 2017).
  • Member of the User Committee of the NWO-STW project “Towards sustainable weed management solutions for the aggressive rice weed Cyperus rotundus: a crop-weed perspective” coordinated by the University of Utrecht (Start date: June 2017).
  • Keynote speaker at the 14th World Congress on Parasitic Plants, Pacific Grove, California, USA (25-30 June, 2017)
  • Session organizer & chair (‘Control and Management’) at the 14th World Congress on Parasitic Plants, Pacific Grove, California, USA (25-30 June, 2017)
  • Session organizer & chair (‘Crop – Weed Interactions’) at the 7th International Weed Science Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, 19-25 June, 2016
  • Invited speaker in the “Tropenzentrum Invites” seminar series. Title: Multi-disciplinary and multi-stakeholder approaches in crop protection – the case of parasitic weeds in rainfed rice systems in Africa. Tropenzentrum, University of Hohenheim. Stuttgart, Germany, 7 July 2014
  • Session organizer & chair (‘Ecology and Population Biology’ and ‘Control and Management’) at the 12th World Congress on Parasitic Plants, Sheffield, UK, 15-20 July, 2013
  • Organizer of the workshop ‘Advancing Research on Weed Science in Africa’ as part of the 10th African Crop Science Society Conference in Maputo, Mozambique, 1-13 October 2011
  • Panel member of the CGIAR Ad Hoc Funder Forum, ‘Celebrating Forty Years of CGIAR and Positioning the Next Forty’
  • Keynote Speaker at the 10th World Congress on Parasitic Plants, Kusadasi, Turkey, 12 June, 2009
  • Reviewer for 32 SCI-journals
  • Book reviews for Experimental Agriculture (6): (2012) 48 (3), 467; (2011) 47 (4): 736-737; (2010) 46 (1):113-114; (2009) 45 (1), 129-130; (2008) 44 (4), 573; (2008) 44 (2), 276.
  • Reviewer of a chapter of ‘Root parasitic Orobanche – parasitic mechanisms and control strategies’, edited by Joel DM, Gressel J, Musselman LJ
  • Reviewer of an FAO report ‘Shedding Light on The Invisible Links within ‘Eco-Agri-Food-Systems’ (June 2015)
  • International research proposal reviewer for the following:
    • Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique (UM6P)
    • Graduate School PE&RC of Wageningen University
    • Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO)
    • Biotechnology and Biological Science Research Council (BBSRC), UK


  • 2017 2016 PE&RC Visiting Scientist research grant (Wageningen University)
  • 2017 Dr Robert J. Carsky Memorial Award for outstanding service (AfricaRice)
  • 2011 Japan International Award for Young Agricultural Researchers
  • 2010 CGIAR Promising Young Scientist Award

Jonne Rodenburg joined the University of Greenwich in January 2018, after a 13-years tenure at the CGIAR Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice).

Jonne obtained a BSc and MSc-degree from Wageningen University (WU) in 1999. His MSc research project focused on the effects of slash-and-burn agriculture on spatial variation in soil fertility in rubber-rice agroforests in Indonesia, in collaboration with the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF). In 2005 he obtained a PhD-degree from the same university. His PhD research was on defence mechanisms (resistance and tolerance) in sorghum against the parasitic weed Striga hermonthica. Fieldwork for this study was conducted in Mali, at the experimental farm of ICRISAT. Prior to obtaining his PhD-degree, Jonne started as agronomist at AfricaRice. He was first based in Mali (2004-2005) and then moved to Benin (2005-2007), Senegal (2007-2009) and Tanzania (2009-2016). His last home base was in Côte d’Ivoire (2016-2017). At AfricaRice his work focused mainly on weed problems, with a special interest in parasitic weeds (Striga asiatica, S. hermonthica, Rhamphicarpa fistulosa) in rain-fed rice systems. Together with his co-workers and students he identified suitable rice varieties and agronomic management practices for the control of these pests. He also worked on bird - weed interactions, mechanical weed control, Good Agricultural Practices and the System of Rice Intensification in irrigated rice systems and Conservation Agriculture practices in rain-fed uplands. At the Natural Resources Institute he is leader of the Sustainable Agricultural Intensification development programme and deputy leader of the research group Ecosystem Services . He currently studies how improved soil fertility and plant nutrition can enhance host plant resistance and tolerance against parasitic weeds and he works on agroecological innovations for smallholder cropping systems in Africa.

Jonne is also an Associate Editor of the Elsevier journal Field Crops Research, and a subject editor of the Wiley journal Weed Research and the Vice-President of the International Parasitic Plants Society (IPPS).

  • Rodenburg J, Mollee E, Coe R, Sinclair F. 2022. Global analysis of yield benefits and risks from integrating trees with rice and implications for agroforestry research in Africa. Field Crops Research 281, 108504; DOI:
  • Rodenburg J, Tippe DE, Toure A, Irakiza R, Kayeke J, Bastiaans L. 2021. From rice-like plants to plants liking rice: a review of research on weeds and their management in African rice systems. Field Crops Research 276, 108397; DOI:
  • Touré A, Huat J, Rodenburg J., 2021. Identifying farm-type specific entry points for innovations in weed management in smallholder inland-valley rice-based systems in West Africa. International Journal of Pest Management; DOI:
  • Senthilkumar K, Sillo FS, Rodenburg J, Dimkpa C, Saito K, Dieng I, Bindraban PS, 2021. Rice yield and economic response to micronutrient application in Tanzania. Field Crops Research 270, 108201; DOI:1016/j.fcr.2021.108201 
  • Haggar J & Rodenburg J. 2021. Lessons on enabling African smallholder farmers, especially women and youth, to benefit from sustainable agricultural intensification. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability; DOI: 1080/14735903.2021.1898179
  • Irakiza R, Makokha D, Malombe I, Le Bourgeois T, Chitiki AK, Rodenburg J. 2021. Composition of weed communities in seasonally flooded rice environments in East Africa is determined by altitude. South African Journal of BotanyDOI: 1016/j.sajb.2021.04.001
  • Kabiri S, Rodenburg J, van Ast A, Pflug S, Kool H, Bastiaans L. 2021. Impact of the facultative parasitic weed Rhamphicarpa fistulosa(Hochst.) Benth. on photosynthesis of its host Oryza sativaJournal of Plant Physiology 262, 153438;  DOI: 10.1016/j.jplph.2021.153438
  • Mwangangi IM, Büchi L, Haefele SM, Bastiaans L, Runo S, Rodenburg J. 2021. Combining host plant defence with targeted nutrition: key to durable control of hemiparasitic Striga in cereals in sub-Saharan Africa? New PhytologistDOI: 1111/nph.17271
  • Büchi L, Cordeau S, Hull R, Rodenburg J, 2021. Vulpia myuros, an increasing threat for agriculture. Weed ResearchDOI: 1111/wre.12456
  • Haggar J, Nelson V, Lamboll R, Rodenburg J. 2020. Understanding and informing decisions on Sustainable Agricultural Intensification in Sub-Saharan Africa. International Journal of Agricultural SustainabilityDOI: 1080/14735903.2020.1818483
  • Rodenburg J, Büchi L, Haggar J. 2020. Adoption by adaptation: Moving from conservation agriculture to conservation practices. International Journal of Agricultural SustainabilityDOI: 1080/14735903.2020.1785734
  • Tippe DE, Bastiaans L, van Ast A, Dieng I, Cissoko M, Kayeke J, Makokha DW, Rodenburg J. 2020. Fertilisers differentially affect facultative and obligate parasitic weeds of rice and only occasionally improve yields in infested fields. Field Crops Research254, 107845; DOI: 1016/j.fcr.2020.107845
  • Senthilkumar K, Rodenburg J, Dieng I, Vandamme E, Sillo FS, Johnson JM, Rajaona A, Ramarolahy JA, Gasore R, Bayuh BA, Kajiru GJ, Mghase J, Lamo J, Rabeson R, Saito K. 2020. Quantifying rice yield gaps and their causes in Eastern and Southern Africa. Journal of Agronomy and Crop ScienceDOI: 1111/jac.12417
  • Rodenburg J, Randrianjafizanaka MT, Büchi L, Dieng I, Andrianaivo AP, Ravaomanarivo LHR, Autfray P. 2020. Mixed outcomes from conservation practices on soils and Striga-affected yields of a low input, rice-maize system in Madagascar. Agronomy for Sustainable Development40:8; DOI: 1007/s13593-020-0612-0
  • Bindraban PS, Dimkpa CO, White JC, Franklin FA, Melse-Boonstra A, Koele N, Pandey R, Rodenburg J, Senthilkumar K, Demokritou P, Schmidt S., 2019. Safeguarding human and planetary health demands a fertilizer sector transformation. Plants, People, Planet (in press)
  • N’cho S, Mourits, M, Rodenburg J, Oude Lansink A. 2019. Inefficiency of manual weeding in rainfed rice systems affected by parasitic weeds. Agricultural Economics, DOI:1111/agec.12473
  • Rodenburg J, Johnson JM, Dieng I, Senthilkumar K, Vandamme E, Akakpo C, Allarangaye MD, Baggie I, Bakare SO, Bam RK, Bassoro I, Abera BB, Cisse M, Dogbe W, Gbakatchetche H, Jaiteh F, Kajiru GJ, Kalisa A, Kamissoko N, Keita S, Kokou A, Mapiemfu-Lamare D, Lunze FM, Mghase J, Maïga IM, Nanfumba D, Niang A, Rabeson R, Segda Z, Sillo FS, Tanaka A, Saito K, 2019. Status quo of chemical weed control in rice in sub-Saharan Africa. Food Security, DOI: 1007/s12571-018-0878-0
  • Senthilkumar K, Tesha BJ, Mghase, J, Rodenburg J, 2018. Increasing paddy yields and improving farm management: results from participatory experiments with good agricultural practices (GAP) in Tanzania. Paddy Water and Environment, DOI:1007/s10333-018-0666-7
  • Achandi EL, Mujawamariya G, Agboh-Noameshie AR, Gebremariam S, Rahalivavololona N, Rodenburg J. 2018. Women's Access to Agricultural Technologies in Rice Production and Processing Hubs: A Comparative Analysis of Ethiopia, Madagascar and Tanzania. Journal of Rural Studies 60, 188-198. DOI:1016/j.jrurstud.2018.03.011
  • Johnson JM, Rodenburg J, Tanaka A, Senthilkumar K, Kokou A, Dieng I, Klotoe A, Akakpo C, Segda Z, Yameogo LP, Gbakatchetche H, Acheampong GK, Bam RK, Bakare OS, Kalisa A, Gasore ER, Sékou A, Ablede K, Saito K. Farmers' perceptions on mechanical weeders for rice production in sub-Saharan Africa. Experimental Agriculture, 1-15; DOI: 10.1017/S001447971700059X
  • Randrianjafizanaka MT, Autfray P, Andrianaivo AP, Ramonta IR, Rodenburg J. 2018. Combined effects of cover crops, mulch, zero-tillage and resistant varieties on Striga asiatica (L.) Kuntze in rice-maize rotation systems. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 256, 23-33. DOI:1016/j.agee.2017.12.005
  • Kabiri S, Rodenburg J, van Ast A, Bastiaans L. 2017. Slavery in Plants: how the facultative hemi-parasitic plant Rhamphicarpa fistulosa can completely dominate its host. Annals of Applied Biology 171 (3), 353-363. DOI: 1111/aab.12378
  • Tippe D, Rodenburg J, van Ast A, Anten NPR, Dieng I, Kayeke JM, Cissoko M, Bastiaans L. 2017. Delayed or early sowing: timing as parasitic weed control strategy in rice is species and ecosystem dependent. Field Crops Research 214, 14-24. DOI: 1016/j.fcr.2017.08.013
  • Tippe D, Rodenburg J, Schut M, van Ast A, Kayeke J, Bastiaans L. 2017. Farmers’ knowledge use and preferences of parasitic weed management strategies in rain-fed rice production systems. Crop Protection 99, 93-107. DOI:1016/j.cropro.2017.05.007
  • Niang A, Becker M, Ewert F, Dieng I, Gaiser T, Tanaka A, Senthilkumar K, Rodenburg J, Johnson JM, Akakpo C, Segda Z, Gbakatchetche H, Jaiteh F, Bam RK, Dogbe W, Keita S, Kamissoko N, Mossi IM, Bakare OS, Cissé M, Baggie I, Ablede KA, Saito K. 2017. Variability and determinants of yields in rice production systems of West Africa. Field Crops Research 207, 1-12. DOI: 1016/j.fcr.2017.02.014
  • Rodenburg J, Cissoko M, Kayongo N, Dieng I, Bisikwa J, Irakiza R, Masoka I, Midega CAO, Scholes JD. 2017. Genetic variation and host-parasite specificity of Striga resistance and tolerance in rice: the need for predictive breeding. New Phytologist 214, 1267–1280. DOI: 1111/nph.14451
  • Makokha DW, Irakiza R, Malombe I, Le Bourgeois T, Rodenburg J. 2017. Dualistic roles and management of non-cultivated plants in lowland rice systems of East Africa. South African Journal of Botany 108, 321-330. DOI: 1016/j.sajb.2016.08.011
  • Rodenburg J, Demont M, Zwart SJ, Bastiaans L. 2016. Parasitic weed incidence and related economic losses in rice in Africa. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 235, 306-317. DOI: 1016/j.agee.2016.10.020
  • Rodenburg J, Cissoko M, Dieng I, Kayeke J, Bastiaans L. 2016. Rice yields under Rhamphicarpa fistulosa-infested field conditions, and variety selection criteria for resistance and tolerance. Field Crops Research 194, 21-30. DOI: 1016/j.fcr.2016.04.030
  • Rodenburg J, Le Bourgeois T, Grard P, Carara A, Irakiza R, Makokha DW, Kabanyoro R, Dzomeku I, Chiconela T, Malombe I, Sarra S, Ekeleme F, Mariko M, Andrianaivo AP, Marnotte P, 2016. Electronic support tools for identification and management of rice weeds in Africa for better-informed agricultural change agents. Cahiers Agricultures 25, 15006; DOI:1051/cagri/2016004
  • Kabiri S, van Ast A, Rodenburg J, Bastiaans L. 2016. Host influence on germination and reproduction of the facultative hemi-parasitic weed Rhamphicarpa fistulosa. Annals of Applied Biology, 169 (1), 144-154. DOI: 1111/aab.12288
  • Demont M and Rodenburg J. 2016. On the interaction between weed and bird damage in rice. Weed Research 56 (3), 193-197. DOI: 1111/wre.12206
  • Rodenburg J, Saito K, Irakiza R, Makokha DW, Onyuka EA and Senthilkumar K. 2015. Labor-saving weed technologies for lowland rice farmers in sub-Saharan Africa. Weed Technology, 29 (4), 751-757. DOI: 1614/wt-d-15-00016.1 
  • Rodenburg J, Schut M, Demont M, Klerkx L, Gbehounou G, Oude Lansink A, Mourits M, Rotteveel T, Kayeke J, Ast A, Akanvou L, Cissoko M, Kamanda J, Bastiaans L, 2015. Systems approaches to innovation in pest management; reflections and lessons learned from an integrated research program on parasitic weeds in rice. International Journal of Pest Management, 61 (4), 329-339. DOI: 1080/09670874.2015.1066042 
  • Schut, M., Rodenburg, J., Klerkx, L., Hinnou, L.C., Kayeke, J., Bastiaans, L., 2015. Participatory appraisal of institutional and political constraints and opportunities for innovation to address parasitic weeds in rice. Crop Protection 74, 158-170. DOI: 1016/j.cropro.2015.04.011 
  • Rodenburg J, Cissoko M, Kayeke J, Dieng I, Khan ZR, Midega CAO, Onyuka EA, Scholes JD. 2015. Do NERICA rice cultivars express resistance to Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth. and Striga asiatica (L.) Kuntze under field conditions? Field Crops Research 170, 83-94. DOI: 1016/j.fcr.2014.10.010
  • Rodenburg J, Morawetz JJ, Bastiaans L. 2015. Rhamphicarpa fistulosa (Hochst.) Benth. – A widespread facultative hemi-parasitic weed, threatening rice production in Africa. Weed Research 55, 118-131. DOI: 1111/wre.12129 
  • Kabiri S, Rodenburg J, Kayeke J, Ast A van, Makokha DW, Msangi SH, Irakiza R, Bastiaans L. 2015. Can the parasitic weeds Striga asiatica and Rhamphicarpa fistulosa co-occur in rain-fed rice? Weed Research 55, 145-154. DOI: 1111/wre.12124
  • Schut, M, Klerkx L, Rodenburg J, Kayeke J, Hinnou LC, Raboanarielina C, Adegbola, PY, van Ast, A, Bastiaans, L. 2015. RAAIS: Rapid Appraisal of Agricultural Innovation Systems (Part I). A diagnostic tool for integrated analysis of complex problems and innovation capacity. Agricultural Systems 132, 1-11. DOI: 1016/j.agsy.2014.08.009
  • Schut, M, Rodenburg J, Klerkx L, Kayeke J, van Ast A, Bastiaans L. 2015. RAAIS: Rapid Appraisal of Agricultural Innovation Systems (Part II). Integrated analysis of parasitic weed problems in rice in Tanzania. Agricultural Systems 132, 12-24. DOI: 1016/j.agsy.2014.09.004 
  • Rodenburg J, Demont M, Sow A, Dieng I. 2014. Bird weed and interaction effects on yield of irrigated lowland rice. Crop Protection 66, 46-52. DOI: 1016/j.cropro.2014.08.015
  • Nhamo N, Rodenburg J, Zenna N, Makombe G, Luzi-Kihupi A. 2014. Narrowing the rice yield gap in East and Southern Africa: using and adapting existing technologies. Agricultural Systems 131, 45-55. DOI: 1016/j.agsy.2014.08.003 
  • N’cho S, Mourits, M, Rodenburg J, Demont M, Oude Lansink A. 2014. Determinants of parasitic weed infestation in rainfed lowland rice in Benin. Agricultural Systems 130, 105-115. DOI: 1016/j.agsy.2014.07.003
  • Ogwuike P, Rodenburg J, Diagne A, Agboh-Noameshie R, Amovin-Assagba E. 2014. Weed management in upland rice in sub-Saharan Africa: impact on labor and crop productivity. Food Security 6, 327-337. DOI: 1007/s12571-014-0351-7
  • Touré A, Rodenburg J, Marnotte P, Dieng I, Huat J. 2014. Identifying the problem weeds of rice-based systems along the inland-valley catena in the southern Guinea Savanna, Africa. Weed Biology and Management 14, 121-132. DOI: 1111/wbm.12040
  • Schut M, Rodenburg J, Klerkx L, van Ast A, Bastiaans L. 2014. Systems approaches to innovation in crop protection. A systematic literature review. Crop Protection 56, 98-108. DOI: 1016/j.cropro.2013.11.017
  • Rodenburg J, Zwart SJ, Kiepe P, Narteh LT, Dogbe W, Wopereis MCS. 2014. Sustainable rice production in African inland valleys: seizing regional potentials through local approaches. Agricultural Systems 123, 1-11. DOI: 1016/j.agsy.2013.09.004 
  • Djagba JF, Rodenburg J, Zwart SJ, Houndagba CJ, Kiepe P. 2014. Failure and success factors of irrigation system developments – a case study from the Ouémé and Zou valleys in Benin. Irrigation and Drainage 63, 328-339. DOI: 1002/ird.1794 
  • Krupnik, TJ, Rodenburg, J, Haden, VR, Mbaye, D, Shennan, C, 2012. Genotypic trade-offs between water productivity and weed competition under the System of Rice Intensification in the Sahel. Agricultural Water Management 115, 156-166. DOI: 1016/j.agwat.2012.08.016
  • Krupnik TJ, Shennan C, Settle WH, Demont M, Ndiaye AB, Rodenburg J, 2012. Improving irrigated rice production in the Senegal River Valley through on-farm experiential learning and innovation. Agricultural Systems 109, 101-112. DOI: 1016/j.agsy.2012.01.008
  • Rodenburg J, Both J, Heitkönig IMA, van Koppen CSA, Sinsin B, Van Mele P, Kiepe P, 2012. Land-use and biodiversity in unprotected landscapes: The case of noncultivated plant use and management by rural communities in Benin and Togo. Society and Natural Resources 25 (12), 1221-1240. DOI: 1080/08941920.2012.674628
  • Krupnik TJ, Shennan C, Rodenburg J, 2012. Yield, water productivity and nutrient balances under the System of Rice Intensification and Recommended Management Practices in the Sahel. Field Crops Research 130, 155-167. DOI: 1016/j.fcr.2012.02.003
  • Cissoko M, Boisnard A, Rodenburg J, Press MC, Scholes JD. 2011. New Rice for Africa (NERICA) cultivars exhibit different levels of post-attachment resistance against the parasitic weeds Striga hermonthica and Striga asiatica. New Phytologist 192, 952-963. DOI: 1111/j.1469-8137.2011.03846.x
  • Jamil M, Rodenburg J, Charnikhova T, Bouwmeester HJ. 2011. Pre-attachment Striga hermonthica resistance of NERICA cultivars based on low strigolactone production. New Phytologist 192, 964-975. DOI: 1111/j.1469-8137.2011.03850.x 
  • Rodenburg J, Bastiaans L, 2011. Host-plant defence against Striga spp.: reconsidering the role of tolerance. Weed Research, 51 (5), 438-441. DOI: 1111/j.1365-3180.2011.00871.x 
  • Rodenburg J, Zossou N, Gbehounou G, Ahanchede A, Touré A., Kyalo G, Kiepe P, 2011. Rhamphicarpa fistulosa, a parasitic weed threatening rain-fed lowland rice production in sub-Saharan Africa - A case study from Benin. Crop Protection 30, 1306-1314. DOI: 1016/j.cropro.2011.06.007 
  • Toure A, Rodenburg J, Saito K, Oikeh S, Futakuchi K, Gumedzoe D, Huat J. 2011. Cultivar and weeding effects on weeds and rice yields in a degraded upland environment of the coastal savanna. Weed Technology 25, 322-329. DOI: 1614/wt-d-10-00172.1
  • Rodenburg J, Meinke H, Johnson, DE, 2011. Challenges for weed management in African rice systems in a changing climate. The Journal of Agricultural Science 149, 427–435. DOI: 1017/s0021859611000207 
  • Saito K, Azoma K, Rodenburg J, 2010. Plant characteristics associated with weed competitiveness of rice under upland and lowland conditions in West Africa. Field Crops Research 116, 308-317. DOI: 1016/j.cropro.2009.10.015
  • Rodenburg J, Riches CR, Kayeke JM, 2010. Addressing current and future problems of parasitic weeds in rice. Crop Protection 29, 210-221
  • de Vries ME, Rodenburg J, Bado BV, Sow A, Leffelaar PA, Giller KE, 2010. Rice production with less irrigation water is possible in a Sahelian environment. Field Crops Research 116 (1-2), 154-164. DOI: 1016/j.fcr.2009.12.006
  • Rodenburg J, Saito K, Glele Kakaï R, Touré A, Mariko M, Kiepe P, 2009. Weed competitiveness of the lowland rice varieties of NERICA in the southern Guinea Savanna. Field Crops Research 114, 411-418. DOI: 1016/j.fcr.2009.09.014
  • Rodenburg J, Johnson DE, 2009. Weed management in rice-based cropping systems in Africa. Advances in Agronomy 103, 149-218. DOI: 1016/s0065-2113(09)03004-1
  • Demont M, Rodenburg J, Diagne M, Diallo, S, 2009. Ex-ante impact assessment of herbicide resistant rice in the Sahel. Crop Protection 28, 728-73. DOI: 1016/j.cropro.2009.05.012
  • Wopereis MCS, Diagne A, Rodenburg J, Sié M, Somado EA, 2008. Why NERICA is a successful innovation for African farmers: a response to Orr et al. from the Africa Rice Center. Outlook on Agriculture, 37, 169-176. DOI:5367/000000008785915502.
  • Rodenburg J, Bastiaans L, Schapendonk AHCM, Putten PEL van der, Ast A van, Dingemanse NJ, Haussmann BIG, 2008. CO2-assimilation and chlorophyll fluorescence as indirect selection criteria for host tolerance against Striga. Euphytica 160, 75-87. DOI: 1007/s10681-007-9555-7 
  • Rodenburg J, Bastiaans L, Kropff MJ, 2006. Characterization of host tolerance to Striga hermonthica. Euphytica 147, 353-365. DOI: 1007/s10681-005-9030-2
  • Rodenburg J, Bastiaans L, Kropff MJ, Ast A van, 2006. Effects of host plant genotype and seed bank density on Striga reproduction. Weed Research 46, 251-263. DOI: 1111/j.1365-3180.2006.00506.x
  • Rodenburg J, Bastiaans L, Weltzien E, Hess DE, 2005. How can field selection for Striga resistance and tolerance in sorghum be improved? Field Crops Research 93, 34-50. DOI: 1016/j.fcr.2004.09.004
  • Rodenburg J, Stein A, Van Noordwijk M, Ketterings QM, 2003. Spatial variability of soil pH and phosphorus in relation to soil run-off following slash-and-burn land clearing in Sumatra, Indonesia. Soil & Tillage Research 71, 1-14. DOI: Pii s0167-1987(02)00141-1 10.1016/s0167-1987(02)00141-1 

Jonne Rodenburg’s main focus is on understanding the ecology and biology of the parasitic weeds Striga (S. asiatica and S. hermonthica) and Rhamphicarpa fistulosa in rain-fed cropping systems and to use these insights to develop sustainable management practices that are feasible for smallholder farmers.

Jonne is also keen on elucidating the principles and mechanisms behind effective control strategies. His work focusses on the relation between soil fertility and parasitic weeds. Striga and low soil fertility are frequently mentioned as associated crop production constraints in Africa. Despite numerous studies, the universality and causality of this association lacks conclusive evidence and the translation into reliably effective and feasible control practices for smallholder farmers has so far attained little tangible success. Jonne is keen on deepening the understanding and practical implications of this relation. Currently he studies the role of nutrients in Striga resistance and tolerance in sorghum and whether smart plant nutrition solutions (e.g., improved compositions, better targeted delivery) can enhance these defence mechanisms. In addition, he investigates the effects of fertilisers, including their composition and application methods, on Rhamphicarpa-rice interactions. 

A second key interest of Jonne concerns the sustainable intensification and diversification strategies for smallholder farmers in Africa. He is keen on understanding how crop production in these farming systems can be optimized by improved planning in space and time as well as in terms of the choices in crop species, crop management technologies and combinations thereof. Indicators for such optimization would not be restricted to crop performance in terms of productivity alone, but also include resource-use efficiency, pest (including weeds) and disease management, and natural resources/ecosystem services provided by the agroecosystem.  

Royal Society: International Collaboration Award “Striga Smart Sorghum Solutions for Smallholders in East Africa”. Collaborator: Dr Steven Runo, Kenyatta University. Budget: £222K (Dec. 2019-Dec. 2022). PI.

IFAD: Research-grant projectCapitalizing the inland valley potential for food and nutrition security for smallholder farmers in West Africa”. Collaborators: Africa Rice Center, Wageningen University, CNRA (Côte d’Ivoire) and CSIR-SRI (Ghana). Budget: $2M (2017-2021). PI.

DFID-BBSRC-BMGF: SCPRID-grant project “Genomic approaches to understanding resistance and virulence in the cereal-Striga interaction for targeted breeding of durable defence” (BB/J011703/1). Collaborators: University of Sheffield, Africa Rice Center, CIAT, Makerere University, Kenyatta University. Budget: £1.3 M (2012-2016). Co-PI.

NWO-WOTRO: Integrated Programme-grant: “Preparing African Rice Farmers Against Parasitic Weeds in a Changing Environment”. Collaborators: Africa Rice Center, Wageningen University, CNRA (Côte d’Ivoire), INRAB (Benin), MARI (Tanzania). Budget: €700,000 (2011-2016). PI.

Royal Society: Research-grant project “Identifying host resistance and parasite virulence in rice - Striga associations”. Collaborators: University of Sheffield, Africa Rice Center. Budget £12,000 (2011-2012). Co-PI.

DFID-BBSRC: SARID-grant project “Unraveling the molecular genetic basis of Striga resistance in cereals: integrating QTL and genomic approaches” (BB/F004303/1). Collaborators: University of Sheffield, Africa Rice Center, NIAB, ICRISAT. Budget: £546,741 2008-2012. Co-PI.

  • Susan Ojochide Simon (Nigeria). Centre for Dryland Agriculture, Bayero University, Nigeria/NRI, University of Greenwich, UK.
  • Olankunle Opeyemi Sansa (Nigeria). Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta (FUNAAB), Nigeria/NRI University of Greenwich, UK.
  • Cyprian Mwale (Malawi). Centre for Crop Systems Analysis, Plant Sciences Department, Wageningen University, The Netherlands.
  • Rachel Chase (USA). Agriculture Health and Environment Dept., Faculty of Engineering and Science, University of Greenwich, United Kingdom.
  • Immaculate Mueni Mwangangi (Kenya). Agriculture Health and Environment Dept., Faculty of Engineering and Science, University of Greenwich, UK. Time Frame: 2020-2024.
  • Guy Marius Assogba (Benin). Integrated rice and natural resources management in African wetlands. Plant Production Systems, Plant Sciences Department, Wageningen University, The Netherlands. Time Frame: 2017-2021.

  • Professor of Agronomy
  • Module Leader Agronomy & Crop Physiology
  • Deputy Research Group Leader Ecosystem Services
  • Development-Programme Leader - Sustainable Agricultural Intensification

  • Committee member of five PhD defences:
    • Odinkemneme Ukwoma-Eke, University of Reading, UK (14 Jan. 2022)
    • Ahmad Hamza, University of Greenwich, UK (3 Feb. 2021)
    • Olivia Pointurier, Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté/INRA, France (13 Dec. 2019)
    • Mahdere Z. Shimels, Wageningen University, the Netherlands (14 Oct. 2019)
    • Tossimidé Houngbédji, Université Paris-Sud, France (18 Nov. 2016)
  • Member of European Weed Research Society (EWRS)
  • Member of International Parasitic Plants Society (IPPS
  • Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation project “Promoting Root Microbes for Integrated Striga Eradication” (PROMISE), coordinated by NIOO-KNAW, Wageningen (Start date: October 2017).
  • Member of the User Committee of the NWO-STW project “Towards sustainable weed management solutions for the aggressive rice weed Cyperus rotundus: a crop-weed perspective” coordinated by the University of Utrecht (Start date: June 2017).
  • Keynote speaker at the 14th World Congress on Parasitic Plants, Pacific Grove, California, USA (25-30 June, 2017)
  • Session organizer & chair (‘Control and Management’) at the 14th World Congress on Parasitic Plants, Pacific Grove, California, USA (25-30 June, 2017)
  • Session organizer & chair (‘Crop – Weed Interactions’) at the 7th International Weed Science Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, 19-25 June, 2016
  • Invited speaker in the “Tropenzentrum Invites” seminar series. Title: Multi-disciplinary and multi-stakeholder approaches in crop protection – the case of parasitic weeds in rainfed rice systems in Africa. Tropenzentrum, University of Hohenheim. Stuttgart, Germany, 7 July 2014
  • Session organizer & chair (‘Ecology and Population Biology’ and ‘Control and Management’) at the 12th World Congress on Parasitic Plants, Sheffield, UK, 15-20 July, 2013
  • Organizer of the workshop ‘Advancing Research on Weed Science in Africa’ as part of the 10th African Crop Science Society Conference in Maputo, Mozambique, 1-13 October 2011
  • Panel member of the CGIAR Ad Hoc Funder Forum, ‘Celebrating Forty Years of CGIAR and Positioning the Next Forty’
  • Keynote Speaker at the 10th World Congress on Parasitic Plants, Kusadasi, Turkey, 12 June, 2009
  • Reviewer for 32 SCI-journals
  • Book reviews for Experimental Agriculture (6): (2012) 48 (3), 467; (2011) 47 (4): 736-737; (2010) 46 (1):113-114; (2009) 45 (1), 129-130; (2008) 44 (4), 573; (2008) 44 (2), 276.
  • Reviewer of a chapter of ‘Root parasitic Orobanche – parasitic mechanisms and control strategies’, edited by Joel DM, Gressel J, Musselman LJ
  • Reviewer of an FAO report ‘Shedding Light on The Invisible Links within ‘Eco-Agri-Food-Systems’ (June 2015)
  • International research proposal reviewer for the following:
    • Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique (UM6P)
    • Graduate School PE&RC of Wageningen University
    • Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO)
    • Biotechnology and Biological Science Research Council (BBSRC), UK


  • 2017 2016 PE&RC Visiting Scientist research grant (Wageningen University)
  • 2017 Dr Robert J. Carsky Memorial Award for outstanding service (AfricaRice)
  • 2011 Japan International Award for Young Agricultural Researchers
  • 2010 CGIAR Promising Young Scientist Award