Millions of workers, smallholders, and communities in agricultural, forestry and clothing global value chains face poverty, human rights abuses, livelihood insecurity and environmental degradation, especially in low- and middle-income countries....

Secure tenure refers to the ability to use and control the use of land without the fear of eviction or other restrictions. Secure and clearly defined rights to access, use, control and transfer land create incentives for people to invest in...

The tropical root crop, cassava, is a staple food that is critical to the lives and livelihoods of an estimated 450 million poor people in Africa. The crop is limited by many factors including perishability (typically 48hrs), toxicity associated...

Pine wood nematode (PWN) is the cause of pine wilt, a devastating disease of pine trees, which is often fatal to the tree. The disease is spread naturally by vector beetles of the Monochamus genus; the only vector identified...

‘River blindness’ or onchocerciasis is a devastating disease affecting 37 million people globally, with rural communities the most at risk. The disease is transmitted by blackflies (Simulium spp.) that breed in fast-flowing rivers. When an...