Professor Anthony Youdeowei
Visiting Professor of Capacity Strengthening in Agricultural Research for Development
Livelihoods and Institutions Department
+44 (0)1634 88 3199
Anthony Youdeowei obtained his PhD in Agricultural Entomology at the University of London and his research involved field studies at the renowned Rothamsted Experimental Station (now Rothamsted Research). He began his professional career as Entomologist at the West African Cocoa Research Institute. He then took up an appointment as Lecturer in the Department of Agricultural Biology at the University of Ibadan, where he rose to become Professor of Agricultural Entomology in the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry from 1973 to 1990. At the University of Ibadan, he served as Head of the Department of Agricultural Biology, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, Acting Vice Chancellor and Executive Director of the University of Ibadan Publishing House.
In 1990, Anthony joined the West Africa Rice Development Association (WARDA, now AfricaRice) in Bouake Cote d’Ivoire as Director of Training and Communications. From October 1997 to July 2015, he was at the Africa Regional Office of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Accra Ghana. During this time he acted as Consultant Senior Integrated Pest Management Specialist, pursuing his interests in integrated production and pest management and Farmer Field Schools.
Anthony has regularly advised African Governments, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO, the World Bank Africa Region, GTZ , USAID and other development agencies in integrated production and pest management policies, planning and field implementation of IPPM field training programmes. He has been consultant to the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Co-operation (CTA) in The Netherlands in training, development and production of training and agricultural extension materials as well as agricultural communication including the management of agricultural journals. He was the Communication Consultant to the Convergence of Sciences Project of the Wageningen University which was implemented from 2008-2013 in Benin, Ghana and Mali. He has also served as the Communications Consultant to the African Cashew Initiative project funded by GiZ.
Anthony was involved with FARA in the assessment of African National Agricultural Research Systems and collaborated with (NRI) in the formulation of the FARA-led project, Strengthening Capacities for Agricultural Research and Development in Africa (SCARDA) which ran from 2007-2011. In 2009, he was appointed Visiting Professor of Capacity Strengthening in Agricultural Research for Development at NRI.
In 2010 Anthony Youdeowei was appointed a member of the Governing Council of ICIPE, the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology Nairobi, Kenya and he is also a Trustee and Director of PAN-UK (Pesticides Action Network). He is currently a Director of West African Book Publishers Limited Nigeria – one of the foremost educational publishers in West Africa. He is the author of several books on agricultural education, integrated pest management and plant protection extension and training. His favourite pastime is writing text books in science and agriculture for children.
- Keith Tyrell, Sheila Willis, Stephanie Williamson, Davo Simplice Vodouhe, and Anthony Youdeowei (2018) Chapter 23: Monitoring and Minimizing Health and Environmental Risks related to Pesticides. in Integrated management of insect pests: Current and future developments edited by Marcos Kogan and Leon Hegley. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing.
- Anthony Youdeowei, Paul Stapleton, Rodger Obubo (2015) Rédaction scientifique pour les chercheurs agricoles: Manuel de ressources pour la formation pp. 202.
- Anthony Youdeowei, Paul Stapleton, Rodger Obubo (2012) Scientific Writing for Agricultural Research Scientists: A Training Resource Manual. New Edition English CTA Wageningen Netherlands. Pp. 190.
- Arnold van Huis and Anthony Youdeowei (2009) Editors. Towards Enhancing Innovation Systems in Smallholder African Agriculture. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference for the CoS-SIS Programme. Elmina Ghana. June 2009. Published by the CoS-SIS International Coordination Committee, Wageningen University, The Netherlands.
- Youdeowei, A. (2000) A Guidebook on Journal Publishing for Agriculture and Rural Development. INASP Oxford and CTA Holland.
- Youdeowei, A. and Kwarteng J. (1995). Development of Training Materials in Agriculture. A course manual. WARDA and CTA, Bouake, Cote d'Ivoire, pp. 104. (English and French editions). New Edition French. CTA, Wageningen Netherlands.
- Menyonga J.M., Bezuneh and A. Youdeowei (Editors) (1987) Food Grain Production in Semi-Arid Africa. OAU/STRC - SAFGRAD, Ouagadougou, pp. 701.
- Youdeowei, A., Ezedinma, F.O.C and Onazi, O.C. (Editors) (1986) Introduction to Tropical Agriculture. Longman Group U.K., pp. 346.
- Youdeowei, A. and Service, M.W. (1983) Pest and Vector Management in the Tropics (with particular reference to insects, ticks, mites and snails). Longman Group, U.K, pp. 399.
- Youdeowei, A. (1977): A Laboratory Manual of Entomology. Oxford University Press, Ibadan, pp. 204.
- Integrated Production and Pest Management in Agriculture: Research, Development and Training, including Pesticides Management in IPM.
- Agricultural Education, Training and Scientific Communication: (including Scientific Writing, Editing and Publishing).
- Development of Training Materials in Agriculture.
- African Agricultural Research and Development, Project Formulation and Evaluation.
- Winner of the 2015 International Plant Protection Award of Distinction (IPPAD)
- Founding Fellow of the African Academy of Sciences (AAS), Nairobi, Kenya
- Fellow of the Academy of Sciences of the Developing World (TWAS), Trieste, Italy
- Fellow of the Entomological Society of Nigeria
- Fellow of the Science Association of Nigeria
- President, African Association of Science Editors (1990 -1992)
- Member, International Advisory Board, International Center for the Communication of Science, Italy (1988 -1990)
Anthony Youdeowei obtained his PhD in Agricultural Entomology at the University of London and his research involved field studies at the renowned Rothamsted Experimental Station (now Rothamsted Research). He began his professional career as Entomologist at the West African Cocoa Research Institute. He then took up an appointment as Lecturer in the Department of Agricultural Biology at the University of Ibadan, where he rose to become Professor of Agricultural Entomology in the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry from 1973 to 1990. At the University of Ibadan, he served as Head of the Department of Agricultural Biology, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, Acting Vice Chancellor and Executive Director of the University of Ibadan Publishing House.
In 1990, Anthony joined the West Africa Rice Development Association (WARDA, now AfricaRice) in Bouake Cote d’Ivoire as Director of Training and Communications. From October 1997 to July 2015, he was at the Africa Regional Office of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Accra Ghana. During this time he acted as Consultant Senior Integrated Pest Management Specialist, pursuing his interests in integrated production and pest management and Farmer Field Schools.
Anthony has regularly advised African Governments, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO, the World Bank Africa Region, GTZ , USAID and other development agencies in integrated production and pest management policies, planning and field implementation of IPPM field training programmes. He has been consultant to the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Co-operation (CTA) in The Netherlands in training, development and production of training and agricultural extension materials as well as agricultural communication including the management of agricultural journals. He was the Communication Consultant to the Convergence of Sciences Project of the Wageningen University which was implemented from 2008-2013 in Benin, Ghana and Mali. He has also served as the Communications Consultant to the African Cashew Initiative project funded by GiZ.
Anthony was involved with FARA in the assessment of African National Agricultural Research Systems and collaborated with (NRI) in the formulation of the FARA-led project, Strengthening Capacities for Agricultural Research and Development in Africa (SCARDA) which ran from 2007-2011. In 2009, he was appointed Visiting Professor of Capacity Strengthening in Agricultural Research for Development at NRI.
In 2010 Anthony Youdeowei was appointed a member of the Governing Council of ICIPE, the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology Nairobi, Kenya and he is also a Trustee and Director of PAN-UK (Pesticides Action Network). He is currently a Director of West African Book Publishers Limited Nigeria – one of the foremost educational publishers in West Africa. He is the author of several books on agricultural education, integrated pest management and plant protection extension and training. His favourite pastime is writing text books in science and agriculture for children.
- Keith Tyrell, Sheila Willis, Stephanie Williamson, Davo Simplice Vodouhe, and Anthony Youdeowei (2018) Chapter 23: Monitoring and Minimizing Health and Environmental Risks related to Pesticides. in Integrated management of insect pests: Current and future developments edited by Marcos Kogan and Leon Hegley. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing.
- Anthony Youdeowei, Paul Stapleton, Rodger Obubo (2015) Rédaction scientifique pour les chercheurs agricoles: Manuel de ressources pour la formation pp. 202.
- Anthony Youdeowei, Paul Stapleton, Rodger Obubo (2012) Scientific Writing for Agricultural Research Scientists: A Training Resource Manual. New Edition English CTA Wageningen Netherlands. Pp. 190.
- Arnold van Huis and Anthony Youdeowei (2009) Editors. Towards Enhancing Innovation Systems in Smallholder African Agriculture. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference for the CoS-SIS Programme. Elmina Ghana. June 2009. Published by the CoS-SIS International Coordination Committee, Wageningen University, The Netherlands.
- Youdeowei, A. (2000) A Guidebook on Journal Publishing for Agriculture and Rural Development. INASP Oxford and CTA Holland.
- Youdeowei, A. and Kwarteng J. (1995). Development of Training Materials in Agriculture. A course manual. WARDA and CTA, Bouake, Cote d'Ivoire, pp. 104. (English and French editions). New Edition French. CTA, Wageningen Netherlands.
- Menyonga J.M., Bezuneh and A. Youdeowei (Editors) (1987) Food Grain Production in Semi-Arid Africa. OAU/STRC - SAFGRAD, Ouagadougou, pp. 701.
- Youdeowei, A., Ezedinma, F.O.C and Onazi, O.C. (Editors) (1986) Introduction to Tropical Agriculture. Longman Group U.K., pp. 346.
- Youdeowei, A. and Service, M.W. (1983) Pest and Vector Management in the Tropics (with particular reference to insects, ticks, mites and snails). Longman Group, U.K, pp. 399.
- Youdeowei, A. (1977): A Laboratory Manual of Entomology. Oxford University Press, Ibadan, pp. 204.
- Integrated Production and Pest Management in Agriculture: Research, Development and Training, including Pesticides Management in IPM.
- Agricultural Education, Training and Scientific Communication: (including Scientific Writing, Editing and Publishing).
- Development of Training Materials in Agriculture.
- African Agricultural Research and Development, Project Formulation and Evaluation.
- Winner of the 2015 International Plant Protection Award of Distinction (IPPAD)
- Founding Fellow of the African Academy of Sciences (AAS), Nairobi, Kenya
- Fellow of the Academy of Sciences of the Developing World (TWAS), Trieste, Italy
- Fellow of the Entomological Society of Nigeria
- Fellow of the Science Association of Nigeria
- President, African Association of Science Editors (1990 -1992)
- Member, International Advisory Board, International Center for the Communication of Science, Italy (1988 -1990)