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Unlock your potential and become a catalyst for change with our transformative MSc programme, designed to tackle today's interconnected social, economic, and environmental challenges of sustainable development.

Despite progress in many aspects of global development over recent decades, hunger affects 828 million people. Inequality has risen profoundly, with the richest 10% owning nearly three-quarters of global wealth. Degradation of our natural resources – land, water, forests, and biodiversity – continues at alarming rates. These challenges are exacerbated by climate change and violent conflicts in many parts of the world. Tackling these challenges requires transformative, systemic change on a large scale, involving technology, economy, institutions, and society.

Our Global Sustainable Development MSc will provide you with an in-depth understanding of Development Studies’ theory and practice, including different conceptions of human, societal and environmental changes. You will learn from real-world examples across various sectors and contexts, developing the capacity to critically discuss, analyse and evaluate transformative change; and gain hands-on skills in sustainable development design and planning, project management, research and impact evaluation methods, systems analysis, and relevant software. This MSc will also enhance your communication, networking, and community engagement skills.

What Makes Us Unique

  • Practitioner-based learning at a trusted and world-renowned institution: NRI has over 125 years of history in international development research and practice, with ongoing links in more than 30 countries worldwide, thus providing opportunities for practitioner-based learning.
  • High student satisfaction: 100% satisfaction score in Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES) 2023.
  • Personalised teaching and mentoring: Student number is capped at 25 maximum to facilitate personalised teaching, with one-to-one mentoring and support.
  • High quality, research-led teaching: NRI’s research, recognised as top-tier in ‘Development Studies’ by the UK Research Excellence Framework (REF), offers exceptional student research opportunities. Recent student projects investigated groundbreaking topics, such as the effects of income inequality on global seafood transition; the nexus between climate change, conflict, and food security in Sub-Saharan Africa; inclusivity of climate change policies in Nigeria and India; climate change and gender-based violence; and environmental stewardship in fragile and conflict-affected settings.


Programme Team

This MSc programme is taught by an interdisciplinary team of renowned experts from development economics, sociology, anthropology, agricultural and food sciences, geography, and environmental sciences. Our staff have worked for international institutions like the UN-FAO, World Bank, IPCC, and CGIAR. The team is diverse in gender, race, ethnicity, and nationality.

Career Opportunities

This interdisciplinary MSc will make you employment-ready for a career path in government organisations and NGOs worldwide as professionals who can analyse, facilitate, plan, and lead transformative change towards sustainable development. Examples of positions include research analysts, programme/project evaluators, programme/project planners/managers/officers, consultants, policy officers/experts in a range of development-related fields. Graduates may also be able to continue onto a research degree (MPhil/PhD).